To be recognized as one of Egypt 's Leading firm in Auditing ' Management and Tax field by offering an integrated 'Up date' Reasonable cost services to small and medium business firms through Mergers and strategic alliances with other honest professional partners in Arab world.
We offer an integrated, Up date, reasonable cost services in just in time through our professional employess to small and medium business firms in Cairo.
Auditing services
- External Auditing
- Internal auditing
- Internal control
- Due diligence
- Corporate valuation
- Initial public offer
- Analyze company financial statements
- Prepare Budget and forecasts
- Prepare Business case studies and evaluate
- Investment proposals.
- Prepare financial analysis studies and presentations
- (Re ) Structuring
- Organization structure
- Capital structure
- cluture
- (Re) Formulating strategic management
- Business strategy
- Corporate strategy
- Functional strategy
- Evaluation& control
- Feasibility studies
- Human Resources
- Selection
- Promotion
- Development & Training
- Establishing new business in Egypt
- Select the suitable legal entity
- Assist & act the selection
- Book keeping services
- Accounting policies
- Internal contlol system
- Corporate tax consulting and planning
- Payroll tax
- Value Added tax
- Stamp tax
- Tax return